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Hall of Fame

The Rock HotelHall Of Fame

“The Rock Hotel opened in 1932, … Unsurprisingly, it attracted its own fair share of luminaries such as Errol Flynn, Alec Guinness and none other than Winston Churchill!  The Rock Hotel is as popular today among the glitterati and intelligentsia, as ever.  The hotel’s location, I hear you ask? Answer: on Europa Road, immediately above the Alameda Gardens.  
In fact it stands majestically above the gardens, crowning them with its pristine white walls.  In the evening, when the light fades over the bay of Gibraltar to the west, the hotel is illuminated from within, its lights sparkling from afar.  It is the perfect place to repose, enjoy a refreshing gin and tonic and settle down to supper.”     Oasis beneath The Rock – David Courtney